“WRS customer service is good. WRS answers my questions in a timely manner. I’ve been recommending WRS to my former colleagues.”

Internal Medicine and Family Practice Achieves Smooth Workflow with WRS EHR

Imagine this scenario: You are an RN working in a Canadian hospital. You join a family practice in the United States in Dublin, OH. In addition to getting acclimated to a new country and a new job, you have to master using a new EHR and Practice Management software system.

For Tomoko Fukushima, RN, this scenario turned into reality. But instead of showing apprehension, Fukushima is relaxed and confident. To what does she attribute her stress free countenance? The answer in a nutshell: WRS Internal Medicine EHR and Practice Management Software.

Headed by husband and wife team, Drs. Maki and Mark Rheaume, Kuraoka Clinic was founded three years ago in Atlanta, GA. The practice’s second office opened in Dublin, OH in January 2013.

Kuraoka Clinic specializes in Internal Medicine and Family Medicine, catering to a Japanese language speaking population. The practice serves over 20 patients a day on its busiest days. There is an emphasis on pediatric patients and adults, ranging from 30 to 50-years-old. The providers treat common problems such as colds and pain, perform blood work and treat many conditions such as cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes.

“When I was an RN in Canada and I worked in a hospital I used different EHRs. The Georgia  office has been using WRS for three years. When I came here, I was introduced to WRS. It was easy for me to get accustomed to WRS,” said Fukushima.

Getting up to Speed

Emphasizing in her case study that she was not concerned with EHR billing capabilities in Canada, Fukushima said, “We don’t have to worry about insurance because healthcare is free. The government pays for it. As a nurse, I never had to worry about insurance or if the services are billed to insurance. All of the CPT codes and ICD-9 codes are so new to me, but I’m getting used to them. It is the doctor’s responsibility, but sometimes nurses have to enter ICD-9 codes. The good thing about WRS is that I can enter the patients’ problem in the program search, and it lists possible diagnosis codes and an explanation of diagnoses. I can select from there which is very, very convenient. The staff in Georgia is performing the billing for the Ohio office now, because we are all new to this clinic. In the future, someone will do the billing in this location.

Emphasizing that WRS note is easy to use, Fukushima said, “It’s pretty straightforward and very convenient. We work with a Nurse Practitioner. She’s new here and she is also new to WRS EHR and she said that WRS is convenient. In the History of Present Illness, when we click on ‘n’ for normal, it pops up all of the parts and functions, such as no fever, no rash, skin is good, lungs sound good. We can check these things off if they are normal. We can document all of the babies’ well visits, including height and weight measurements.”

Paper is Antiquated

Transitioning from a paper world to an electronic system can be cumbersome and confusing. Not so for Fukushima. “Traditionally, we would have to enter everything into a paper chart, but because WRS is a web-based software system, we just click on it and everything shows up. I think that’s very convenient. I used paper charts in Canada. I love the electronic version of charts. It’s easier. Electronic charting takes one third less time compared to the time it used to take me to do paper charts. It’s great. I am also buying fewer pens. I was buying a new pen every two weeks,” said Fukushima in her case study.

She added, “Another good thing about WRS Internal Medicine EHR is that I don’t have to worry about carrying heavy charts. One time I cut my finger carrying the charts. In the hospital, the charts are really thick because patients visit so frequently or they stay in the hospital for a long tine. The charts are very difficult to handle, because they are so heavy. It’s also not good for your back to carry these heavy charts. I don’t miss paper at all.”

E-Prescribing is Effortless

Using WRS E-prescribing is increasing patient satisfaction. The doctors are using the e-prescribing function quite a lot. Patients feel that e-prescribing is convenient. At first, they are not sure what to do because they don’t have a paper script in their hand. I just have to tell them, go to the pharmacy, and give your name and date of birth. It’s working well. They are happy to be able to do that.”

Pointing out in her case study that as an RN, she is not permitted to e-prescribe medications, Fukushima said she is still accruing benefits from this capability. “I can enter the medication and print it out and show it to the doctor and if the doctor approves, I can give it to the patient. This system is good. It lists all of the medications and milligrams. For example, it lists Vitamin D and how many milligrams we need. I think it’s convenient. The system warns of the possible interactions that there may be with previous medications (we prescribed), which is also convenient. That enhances patient safety,” said Fukushima.

Access After Hours

Accessibility is a must have function for a practice that has two locations. It is also a necessity when a practitioner needs to access a patient’s records when they are away from the office.

“The doctors can look at a patient’s record from two different locations. They’re doing that. That’s one of the reasons they wanted WRS. Dr. Maki Rheaume comes here twice a week and sees patients. Now we have an NP and in the summer, we will have another doctor here permanently. It’s very convenient to be able to use WRS to work from home. In case of severe weather, if the clinic has to shut down, then we can call the patients from home by using WRS Scheduling,” said Fukushima.

Learning is Easy

Learning the ins and outs of an EHR can be mind boggling. “I attended one webinar for lab results, since we are receiving lab results in WRS. It was a very informative session. WRS has a lot of training videos that are helpful. I went through almost all of the training videos,” stated Fukushima in her case study.

Smooth Workflow

WRS Internal Medicine EHR is also helping Kuraoka Clinic’s Office Manager, Rie Adams get through the work day more efficiently. “I use WRS Scheduling. I like it very much. It’s very useful. I can enter and organize the patient’s name, history and date of birth in the EHR and I can use it very quickly. I can use the system to schedule appointments. It’s very quick. After the patient leaves, everything is finished,” Adams said.

Oh, Canada: WRS Exceeds All Expectations

Now that Ms. Fukushima is practicing in the U.S., what does she tell her former colleagues in Canada? Pointing out in her case study that many Canadian medical practices are switching to EHRs, Fukushima said, “WRS customer service is good. WRS answers my questions in a timely manner. I’ve been recommending WRS to my former colleagues.”

Finally, what does she like best about WRS Internal Medicine EHR? “Lab results come directly into WRS, so it’s convenient. The patient’s test results come straight to their chart. We refer the patients for mammograms. If they ask for their medical record, we can print the record for them. I love WRS Fax Queue because it keeps a record of the faxes and we don’t need to print them; that saves paper. Scheduling anything electronically is better than paper,” concluded Fukushima.

Internal Medicine Testimonial

WRS Health thanks Kuraoka Clinic for sharing their case study on the WRS Internal Medicine EHR.

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