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WRS Health Releases New EHR and Practice Management Solutions For Physiatry and Physical Medicine Practices

GOSHEN, N.Y. (Updated August 16, 2021) – WRS Health, a leading provider of cloud-based integrated electronic medical record and practice management solutions, announced today a suite of cloud-based EHR, practice management, and patient communication services designed specifically for pediatric practices.

“WRS Health offers award-winning EHR software for a number of medical and surgical specialties,” said Lawrence Gordon, MD, founder and CEO of WRS Health. “Physiatrists have unique EHR needs and can utilize our customizable templates, patient portal, marketing services and a host of other business solutions to best optimize their physical medicine practices.”

WRS Health Physical Medicine EHR content permits the Physiatrist to easily chart an encounter. Many patient encounters do not conform to a defined “template” and it is important to be able to quickly and comfortably chart. You will find your expected Physical Medicine-specific physical exam findings already loaded in your note, such as musculoskeletal examinations for sports team physicals. Similarly, for the Physical Medicine Review of Systems you will find Physiatry-relevant complaints and symptoms comes with physiatry specific content already loaded in the encounter notes. When you complete a chart for a spinal exam, joint pain, or a knee exam, intelligent templates enable you to quickly chart out the encounter with one-click. WRS Health Physical Medicine EHR has a full library of templates listed above that can be incorporated into your practice and edited to suit your practice style.

Innovations such as the WRS Digital Healthcare Pen Solution integrated into the Physical Medicine EMR save significant time and money.

Physical Medicine Questionnaires, Pain Assessments and other types of documentation, such as Family history can be filled out by the patient in the waiting room with the WRS Digital Pen. The data from these patient forms then flows seamlessly into your note without requiring the user to re-key data from the patient forms. We make this available to you in a variety of types of patient encounters. If you have your own Physical Medicine customized forms that you developed, we are able to take your own forms and have the data flow into the WRS cloud-based EHR with the digital pen.

All your data can sit on one platform without the need to export or import, or cut and paste data or documents.

The WRS Digital Pen Solution is also a perfect solution for specialties that rely on forms or free text for most of their charting needs. Patient consent forms, questionnaires and signatures can be captured easily using this technology. You can even chart with different colors.

Additionally, the new WRS Health Physical Medicine EHR system provides a Consent Management feature. The cloud-based EHR system also includes automatic appointment reminders and instructions sent via phone/email/text. The Order Tracking system tracks all orders issued from the WRS Health Physical Medicine EHR electronically through the entire order life-cycle, helping relieve the burden of tracking orders that have not been obtained by the patient or have not been received by the office.

Because this is all performed electronically the results are integrated with the patient's chart. No more attaching paper faxes to paper charts and placing them in a stack on your desk to review at the end of the day. Find results quickly, efficiently and view them online.

WRS Health Physical Medicine EHR makes sure proper and complete reimbursement is received for all the practice services provided. Additionally, the WRS Health Physical Medicine EHR provides automatic eligibility checking of your patients, saving time and money. Based upon the scheduled appointment date all patients are automatically checked for up-to-date insurance and demographic data. This is accomplished by electronic connections to insurance companies with automatic messages sent starting 72 hours before the appointments.

About WRS Health

WRS Health is the leading web-based provider of fully integrated EHR and Practice Management software solutions for over 32 medical specialties. WRS Health Web-Based EHR and Practice Management System Version 5.0 is an InfoGard Certified 2014 Meaningful Use Complete EHR. In 2013, WRS Health was awarded the Surescripts White Coat of Quality Award for e-Prescribing Best Practices for the third year in a row. WRS Health seamlessly integrates all of the clinical and business functions required for healthcare providers, including: Electronic Medical Records, Revenue Cycle Management, Personal Health Records, electronic prescribing (eRx), scheduling, website creation and content management, messaging, fax, order tracking, and billing — all at an affordable price. WRS Health is a Surescripts® Solution Provider for its web-based Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Practice Management System (PM) V5.0. The EMR and PM V5.0 is Surescripts® certified for prescription routing messaging. It has been designed and built by medical professionals, who leveraged their expertise to help other healthcare providers with similar issues. More information on WRS Health can be found at, or by calling 1-866-977-4367.

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WRS Health


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