WRS Health General Surgery EHR

General Surgery EHR and Practice Management Software

Surgeon-Cloud, powered by WRS Health, an EHR and Practice Management System is designed specifically to meet the needs of Surgeons, integrating every aspect of your practice from appointment scheduling to revenue cycle management on a single, cloud-based platform. You can access the system 24/7 from home, the hospital or any location with Internet access.

  • Charting for high-value and high-risk individual procedures such as trauma surgery or a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy as well as ability to order multiple tests- from blood and urine test to X-rays and heart tests – with a single click.
  • General Surgery Laboratory and Imaging Connectivity with the ability to import MRI and CAT images as well as Echocardiograms or Ultrasound Imaging. Inventory and DME Management Integrated with General Ledger.
  • Powerful and Integrated General Surgery Billing and Revenue Cycle Management that gets you proper and complete reimbursement for all the services you provide.
  • General Surgery Practice Marketing Solutions that help you cultivate your image and the services you provide, so your practice can stand out and succeed.

The EHR is designed for surgical specialties, including cardiothoracic surgery, colon and rectal surgery, general surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, gynecologic oncology, neurological surgery, ophthalmic surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthopedic surgery, otorhinolaryngology, pediatric surgery, plastic and maxillofacial surgery, urology, and vascular surgery.

Solutions was customizable to where Dr. Tucker could set up post op notes or he could do notes for certain complaints that a surgeon repeatedly gets from patients.”

Nena Tucker, Practice Manager

General Surgery Templates and Charting

WRS Health EHR comes pre-loaded with notes and templates specifically designed for surgeons. Content organization and workflow enables you to seamlessly chart initial visits, surgical workflow, follow-up visits and other encounters

WRS Health EHR General Surgery

General Surgery Templates and Content ‘Out of the Box’

When you create a chart in WRS cloud-based EHR for either an Endoscopic surgery for a colonoscopy or gastroscopy, a Cataract Removal, Tonsillectomy, or even a hernia repair, intelligent templates enable you to quickly chart out the encounter with a few clicks.

  • Abdominal Pain 
  • Adrenalectomy
  • Breast Lump Multiple
  • Breast Lump Solitary
  • Colonoscopy Consult
  • Follow up Vein Mapping
  • NEW Patient PAD
  • NEW Patient CAD
  • New Patient-Vein Consult
  • Post Mastectomy
  • Post Op Ablation
  • Post Op appendectomy
  • Post Op AVFistula
  • Post Op Breast Reconstruction
  • Post Op CABG/AVR/MVR
  • Post Op Carotid Endarterectomy
  • Post Op Cholecystectomy
  • Post Op Hysterectomy
  • Post Operative Pacemaker
  • Post Op PAD (legs,iliacs, etc.)
  • Preop AV Fistula
  • Procedure: Ablations
  • Procedure: Sclerotherapy
  • And more
I chose WRS cloud-based EHR over other solutions because it was an easy choice. It is detailed, self-explanatory and easy to use…If I had to choose, the best feature is easy charting. With WRS cloud-based EHR nothing is missed and our office workflow is better than ever.”

Hengameh Arab, M.D., TN Perfect Walk-In Clinic General Surgery


The WRS EHR software is designed to optimize the unique workflow of your gastroenterology practice. It provides the tools you need to deliver patient care while combining your administrative, front desk, clinical and billing functions into a single and efficient practice management process.

WRS Health EHR Surgical Workflow

General Surgery Workflow Go to Surgical Workflow

The surgery scheduling workflow module in WRS Health was built to handle preoperative, perioperative and postoperative charting, billing and scheduling functions as well as to provide a centralized location to view and manage surgical cases.

WRS Health EHR Charting

Quick Charting for General Surgery Practitioners Go to quick charting

Built-in Quick Charting enabled templates will meet the immediate and diverse needs of your practice and patients. If you do special surgeries, templates can all be created for your preference. With the WRS built in customization engine, you can easily create new HPI templates that integrate 100% with the EHR and your workflow.

WRS Health EHR Branded Physician Referrals

Branded Physician Referrals Branded Physician Referrals

The Referral Management System enables you to send your customized chart note and/or customized letter to your referring provider with a single click.

WRS Health EHR Charting Methods

Choice of Charting Methods Go to Charting Methods

Free Text, Voice and Even a Digital Pen – a variety of data input methods are offered for quick charting.

WRS Health EHR Documentation Management

Documentation Management Go to Documentation Management

Integrating documents into the electronic charting process is critical because paper forms and faxes are still a standard part of medical communications. Diagnostic imaging and lab tests can be automatically captured and uploaded in a patient chart. Externally produced reports and consultation letters can also be easily scanned and imported.

WRS Health EHR Health Maintenance Reminders

Health Maintenance Reminders Go to Health Maintenance Reminders

Our exclusive Health Maintenance Reminders allows you to set up different alerts on a monthly, weekly or daily schedule. Our integrated patient portal allows for secure communication between you and your patients, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

WRS Health EHR Medication Management

Medication Management Go to Medication Management

WRS EHR automates order entry and medications management tasks. You can monitor your patients’ vital signs, fluid status and surgical drains. You can set up your own alerts for each patient – such as breathing exercises times and leg exercises.

WRS Health EHR Scheduling and Appointment Reminders

Scheduling and Appointment Reminders Go to Scheduling and Appointment Reminders

WRS Health has a sophisticated rules engine that allows automated management of regular follow-up reminders and health maintenance alerts.

WRS Health EHR Lab Connections

Laboratory Connections and Order Tracking for General Surgery Practices Go to Lab Connections

WRS Health can establish bidirectional electronic connections to your preferred reference laboratories like LabCorp, Quest or BioReference. We can also establish an electronic connection to your local imaging facility for Endoscopies.

WRS Health EHR Risk Mitigation

Protect Yourself With Accurate Documentation Go to Risk Mitigation

Communication throughout the beginning-to-end process for surgery is fully documented in the system. Disclosure and consent documentation is effectively charted for you and your patient’s protection.

Easily monitor the status of lab orders and follow ups to minimize potential errors. For example, patients can automatically receive follow up emails and phone calls. You determine the parameters – and the patient outreach occurs automatically.

While no EHR system can protect you and your practice from lawsuits, the right EHR can provide the right tools to help you document your work.

Contact us for more information on how the WRS Health EHR can help your practice workflow.

The only thing the billing company can access is the billing component and the ability to print out notes. They can’t go in and make up a note on the patient or document on a patient. It’s privacy secure for the patient. It lets the billing company do what they have to do without calling the office a million times.”

Nena Tucker, Practice Manager

Beyond the EHR – Surgery Practice Business Solutions

WRS Health offers surgeons of all types a full range of services that will maximize revenues while simplifying your medical practice’s workflow.

Consult with an EHR advisor who is expert in your specialty (866) 977-6491

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