EHR for Pulmonology

Pulmonology EHR and Practice Management Software

WRS Health’s Pulmonology EHR and Practice Management System is designed specifically to meet the needs of Pulmonologists, integrating every aspect of your practice from appointment scheduling to revenue cycle management on a single, cloud-based  platform. You can access the system 24/7 from home, the hospital or any location with Internet access.

  • Complete Pulmonology Templates for lung cancer, allergies, pneumonia and more.
  • Comprehensive Clinical Content for Quick Charting including full reporting of Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) – Spirometer and Pulmonary Function Test Device Interface.
  • Automated Health Maintenance alerts and patient recall for management, assessment and plan of sleep studies, standardized procedure notes for bronchoscopy and critical care.
  • Powerful and Integrated Billing and Revenue Cycle Management that gets you proper and complete reimbursement for all the services you provide.
  • Pulmonology Practice Marketing Solutions that help you cultivate your image and the services you provide, so your practice can stand out and succeed.

Many pulmonology related subspecialties and providers use our EHR, including pediatric allergy and immunology specialists.

WRS is an easy to use, web based system that has increased efficiency of my practice. I found that WRS is a better system than its competitors. WRS has fulfilled all my expectations of a great medical software company from the start!”

Dr. Barry O. Maisel, M.D.

Pulmonology Templates and Charting

WRS Health EHR comes pre-loaded with notes and templates specifically designed for pulmonology. Content organization and workflow enables you to seamlessly chart initial visits, follow-up visits and other encounters.

Pulmonology EHR Template and Charting

Pulmonology Templates and Content ‘Out of the Box’

The system is pre-populated with content used most frequently by Pulmonology Specialists, such as shortness of breath, sleep apnea and COPD Evaluation. Bronchoscopies and other imaging can be easily incorporated into your patients’ charts. There is an interface within WRS that allows for Pulmonary Function Studies, Stress Testing as well as Sleep Studies.

  • Abnormal CXR
  • Allergy
  • Arterial Blood Gases
  • Asthma Exacerbation
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Chronic Cough
  • COPD Decompensation
  • COPD Evaluation
  • Dyspnea
  • Emphysema
  • Lung Cancer
  • Lung Mass
  • Pleural Effusion
  • Pleurisy
  • Pneumonia
  • Preoperative Evaluation
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Nodule
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Sleep Intake
  • Tuberculosis
  • And more
  • Upper Respiratory Infection
  • Referral Letter
I really like the Fax Queue. When we get lab results in and we connect them to a patient, the system automatically sends the results to me to review, so the staff doesn’t have to do an extra step of sending the results to me.”

Christine Karell, APRN

Contact us for more information on how the WRS Health EHR can help your practice workflow.


Beyond the EHR - Pulmonology Practice Business Solutions

WRS Health offers Pulmonology specialists a full range of services that will maximize revenues while simplifying your medical practice's workflow.

Consult with an EHR advisor who is expert in your specialty (866) 977-6491

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