Neurology EHR and Practice Management

Neurology EHR and Practice Management Software

Neurology-Cloud, powered by WRS Health, an EHR and Practice Management System is designed specifically to meet the needs of Neurologists, integrating every aspect of your practice from appointment scheduling to revenue cycle management on a single, web-based platform. You can access the system 24/7 from home, the hospital or any location with Internet access.

  • Specialized Neurology Templates such as a Complete Neurologic Exam and an EMG Detailed Exam, ability to order and manage multiple tests with 1-click such as routine blood and urine tests to Cranial Neuropathy.
  • Neurology Laboratory and Imaging Connectivity with the ability to import MRI and CAT images as well as echocardiograms or ultrasound imaging advanced document management.
  • Enhanced workflow and practice management for physicians handling disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system.
  • Powerful and Integrated Billing and Revenue Cycle Management that gets you proper and complete reimbursement for all the services you provide.
  • Neurology Practice Marketing Solutions that help you cultivate your image and the services you provide, so your practice can stand out and succeed.
Since implementing WRS Health web-based EMR system I have noticed easier workflow within the office. Easy access and ability to log-in from anywhere was a key factor in selecting WRS over other vendors. Consistent updates and great support has continually impressed me overall.”

Elizabeth Ybarra, Office Manager, Brain and Spine Surgery

Neurology Templates and Charting

WRS Health EHR comes pre-loaded with notes and templates specifically designed for neurologist and neurosurgeons. Content organization and workflow enables you to seamlessly chart initial visits, follow-up visits and other encounters.

Neurology EHR Chart patient MRI or CT

Neurology Templates and Content ‘Out of the Box’

The system is pre-populated with content used most frequently by neurologists. When you create a chart for Seizures, Stroke or Parkinson’s disease, intelligent templates enable you to quickly chart out the encounter with just a few clicks. There is even an integrated charting system for special procedures like botulinum toxin injections. MRIs, CTs and even images from EEGs can be easily incorporated into your patients’ charts. Lab tests can be ordered with the click of the mouse, saving your practice valuable time.

  • Bilateral Occipital Nerve Block
  • Botulinum Toxin Injection
  • Botulinum Toxin Injection with EMG Guidance
  • Depression
  • EEG
  • Headache
  • Imbalance
  • Lumbar Puncture
  • Migraine
  • Pain Evaluation
  • Syncope
  • And more
I like the e-prescribing capability. It’s efficient. I like the idea of automatic refills. I can check interactions before I e-prescribe and once the interactions are checked, it gives me a better sense of comfort and confidence.”

Dr. Amar Goyal

Contact us for more information on how the WRS Health EHR can help your practice workflow.


Beyond the EHR - Neurology Practice Business Solutions

WRS Health offers Neurology Practices a full range of services that will maximize revenues while simplifying your medical practice's workflow.

Consult with an EHR advisor who is expert in your specialty (866) 977-6491

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