3 Ways to Keep Your Medical Practice Independent and Thriving
Even though the healthcare sector is pushing medical practitioners into full-time employment, many still value independence and remain successful at running their own practices.
Even though the healthcare sector is pushing medical practitioners into full-time employment, many still value independence and remain successful at running their own practices.
As hospitals consolidate and grow, they tend to gobble up independent, physician-owned medical practices. While some welcome the change, others view it as a loss of autonomy.
Having someone on hand to handle the business side of your medical practice could a smart decision.
How do you make it so that a doctor has adequate time to spend with the patients but the practice does not suffer financially for it?
With implementation of ICD-10 in October, many practices are looking at how to navigate the first few months financially.
The main expenses involved in transitioning to and operating under ICD-10 regulations can be summarized under the following three categories: ICD-10 compliant EHR, training requirements, and ICD-10 processing expenses.