Three Ways ICD-10 Is Better Than ICD-9
For all the lamenting going on about ICD-10, there are actually a number of ways it is better than ICD-9, in fact in some cases by leaps and bounds.
For all the lamenting going on about ICD-10, there are actually a number of ways it is better than ICD-9, in fact in some cases by leaps and bounds.
The implementation of ICD-10 is looming and according to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), there will be no extension to the October 1, 2015 deadline.
Many EPs (eligible professionals) find themselves trying to prepare for the ICD-10 transition only to find some of the information they’ve been working with wasn’t accurate.
ICD-10 is the elephant in the room that everyone’s actually talking about. And elephant it is. Massive increase in the number of codes to report, additional digits in each code, super bill migration, etc. creates a rather dire picture of things to come.
ICD-10 has come with a fair share of complexities and these complexities are perhaps what’s behind the challenges doctors are facing as they race to comply by the October 1, 2015 deadline.
The ICD-10-CM/PCS implementation deadline for everyone covered by HIPAA is set for October 1, 2015 and it is expected that all HIPAA-covered entities will have completed the transition from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM/PCS by this date.