What Our Clients Are Saying…

We at WRS Health greatly appreciate the opportunity to hear what our clients are saying about our system, staff and service and we would like to share some of these responses and experiences with you, the blogging community.

Audrey Spencer M.D.

“My practice is based in Maysville, Kentucky. I’ve been in business for almost 30 years and I would absolutely recommend WRS Health to other physicians. The system is very customizable. I can tailor notes and templates in a way that works best for me and I can change them at any time. WRS has allowed me to track everything for each patient. I’m more organized than ever and I can locate information easily, which has helped my practice tremendously. Because the system is cloud based, I can access it from anywhere. I am able to organize my schedule and continue working at home if needed. The ability to customize health maintenance order tracking is very useful, and I use this feature constantly. Another feature I love is the patient portal. It’s a seamless process and helps create a smooth experience for patient and provider communication.

I spent two months searching for the right integrated EMR system for my practice. It was important for me to asses other solutions because I needed to be compliant with Meaningful Use requirements. Another reason I continued to search was to progress from using paper charts for my medical records. After doing my research, I choose to go with WRS Health and it was a great decision. The customer service team is very responsive. They reply quickly and have been excellent in my opinion. I recently read that 70% of all physicians are upset with their EMR, I must be a part of the 30%.”

Empatia Care

“I have been working at Dr. Dan Vatev’s practice for eleven years and changing to EMR with WRS Health is the best decision he’s ever made! We started with WRS Health in October 2013, and we began seeing improvements in our workflow immediately. Once you start with WRS Health, you don’t need to look any further for an EMR.

We have two locations, and WRS has helped our practices function with ease. Rather than having to pull charts and medical records, we can go into the system and find everything in one spot. The system also allows the doctors to customize templates. All they have to do is look into the system, see what patients are in the office, and they can tend to them right away. All the information entered at the front desk is at their fingertips immediately. They can refer to the patient’s chart and help them instantly, eliminating multiple steps in the typical process.

WRS Health’s billing system is working really well for us right now. WRS populates the form automatically. In the past, we would send claims to insurance companies and have to wait to be accepted or denied. Now we know what changes need to be made before we send a claim. WRS notifies us right away and tells us what we need to fix before we can proceed.

I’ve been asking Dr. Vatev to go electronic for years now. Our practice consists of internal medicine and pediatrics, and it was hard to come up with a solution that everyone was happy with. When Dr. Vatev first heard of WRS Health, he asked me to play around with the site to see how I felt about it and I thought to myself, “Oh no, not another one…  Not a link!” I preferred having a representative onsite and to show us a demonstration in person. However, when I went into the system to poke around, I was surprised at how easy it was to use. I liked all the functions that were available in the program. The billing module was connected to the EMR. Everything was so user- friendly. I was happy with it! After only four hours of training, the doctor announced that we were going live. I was nervous because I thought implementation was going to be very complicated, but it wasn’t.

We are currently working between two systems. We were attempting to do reports with our other system, but it was far too complicated. I’ve been working in the other system since 2006, and instead of making improvements over the years, it seems as though things are becoming more difficult. They were even losing the claims we were submitting! We would call and they would say it was never received. I can’t wait to complete the transition to WRS Health.

The customer service team at WRS Health is very professional, knowledgeable and courteous. We call them and they get back to us right away. We don’t have to wait. Before going live with the WRS Health system I was afraid. I couldn’t imagine going live without more training. But the WRS Health team offered to help us right away.

Overall, things are running much smoother in the office from the front desk to the appointments with patients. We are very happy with this EMR.”

Read more about what our customers say about WRS Health.


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